Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Support Jungle Cross buy a shirt

Support local Jungle Cross. Any money I earn will be donated to any local cyclocross promoter who sends me a request (as long as they have more than one barrier and like slippery surfaces!)

Friday, October 27, 2006

JcrossFed is looking for your ideas

So what would you like to see in your local Jungle Cross Federation race?
Lets see your posts on Barriers, slippery slopes, run ups, beer tents, music....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jungle Cross Federation Begins

From overwhelming demand the "Jungle Cross Federation" has now been created.

Board of directors include:
-Brent Chapman
-Olaf Vanderhoot (without permission)
-Velo Bella (without permission)
-Roaring Mouse (without permission)
-The drunk guy with the money in his butt (Steve, without his permission)
-Santa Cruz Dirt Pigs
-I guess DFL (Honerary)
-Mike Martin
-Rick Hunter / Hunter Cycles (added *2008)

JCross Fed Basic Rules:
1. obstacles:
Have as many run ups as you want.

2. Course Surfaces:
Course must cross over actual ground of some type, not limited to but includes, dirt (of all types), water, trees, leaves, old dumps, concrete, hay, poop (of various types), grass (of various types), beer cans, bottles and all other urban crud.

3. Courses should avoid the following:
needles (new or used), any passed out bum in middle of nap, people wearing USAC shirts.

4. Barrier limitations:
none, if they are too tall, only requirement is a rope with knots for little people.

5. Length requirements:
long enough to poop everyone out.

6. Feeding requirements and allowances:
Beer is allowed in all feed zones and pits, but must be served cold with a frothy head in a plastic bottle. Water and other water based items can be used as well.

7. Attitude:
All attitudes are allowed, but don't have to be paid attention to and the federations attitude can override yours.

8. Categories:
-Fast Guys
-Fast Girls
-Slow Guys
-Slow Girls
-Old Fast Guys
-Old Slow Guys
-Old Slow Gals
-Single Speeders & Fixies
-Hot Chicks in Bikinis
-General Happy people
-Cross Dressers or Costume Cross Dressers
-Naked Racers
-Underwear racers
-Kids of all shapes and sizes
-One Lap specialists
-12/24 hour junkies (* no dates planned for the future)

9. State and National Events:
No such thing. Race for fun and go to USAC national events to get drunk in the pits.

** Rules are constantly changing while we organize the new federation.

New Members may post comments below.

Cross photos from the past and future